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Booking Links Are the New Business Cards


Published August 26, 2021

Written By Hunter Hawley

When’s the last time you gave away a business card somewhere other than a fishbowl at a restaurant? Or received one that wasn’t a coupon for $2 tacos?

Business cards have long been the primary CTA and physical reminder of products and services. A small, simple way to give someone your contact details. I’ll bet someone in your organization is holding a stack of them right now. Easy to carry, easier to pass out, it’s no wonder they’ve lasted over 500 years.

But what happens to that stack of cards after a networking event?  Who takes the first step after the business card exchange? Do you call first? Is your card 1/10 in a big stack collected by everyone at that networking event last night?

Chances are your card has been tossed in the trash, put through a cycle in the wash, or stuffed into an overcrowded wallet like George Costanza.



Booking links turn quick conversations into calendar events.

Booking Links > Business Cards

Instead of trusting a stranger to remember your name out of a stack of cards, why not give them a direct avenue to your calendar? The point of a business card is to give your contact details to a stranger, and the entire point of connecting with a stranger is to generate a deeper, stronger network. Take the back and forth out of your email threads. You can take the ownership off of your network growth through a personalized, custom booking link. The Periodic platform can generate those links, at your domain, by a few simple clicks.


How to Share Your Booking Link

Here are a few ways to share your personal booking link:

    • Link your booking link to QR code on the back of your business card
    • Add your booking link to the signature in your email
    • Post your booking link in the bio section on your LinkedIn account
    • Update your vCard to include your booking link