Airbnb for X

Marketplaces like Airbnb rely on liquidity in supply and demand to be relevant. They understood from the early days there must be ample providers (read: air-conditioned tree forts) and buyers aware of these high-quality/ludicrous options. While the rest of us might...
Planning My Booking System: Questions to Ask

Planning My Booking System: Questions to Ask

Launching an online booking system is faster than ever with Periodic, but building a solution that streamlines your operations requires up-front planning. Since Periodic is flexible enough to meet even the most stringent scheduling challenges, it’s helpful to...

Retail Innovation that Informs Buying Behavior

Retailers are adopting new technology standards to strengthen their knowledge of the customer. These insights create new opportunities for engagement and empower employees. Platforms like Periodic are specifically tailored to deliver omni-channel engagement that...

Get Started with Periodic in 3 Steps

For a quick rundown of relevant terms checkout out this cheat sheet. Step 1: Creating A Provider Remember, a provider can be an individual, or an entity offering one or more services. Meaning a provider might be a host (eg. Airbnb), a department (eg. Astronomy...