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The art and science of designing a platform – Periodic


Published March 17, 2016

Written By Hunter Hawley

Periodic is built with the level of planning you’d expect from a civil engineer– not a SaaS. During the development of Periodic, we talked to over 100 companies looking for a booking system. We identified patterns, commonalities, and nuances. Then we engineered one booking system to fit them all.

Easy to Use, Straight Forward Interface

The dashboard gives an overview of every resource and bookable for each provider. That’s a heavy weight to carry.

To achieve this we had to create an original design that conveyed relationships between objects– waterfall. With the waterfall view, users can quickly select a provider and watch as the page populates with the related resources and bookables– giving visual clarity into their information architecture.

One Solution, Many Scenarios

Being the most flexible booking platform requires development of countless settings, balanced with thoughtful planning of how to arrange these so users don’t feel overwhelmed.

Periodic leverages a 3-step wizard for creating resources, and bookables. On average it takes less than 5 minutes to build a bookable with over 45 customizable settings in Periodic’s user-friendly graphical menu.

The wizards are specifically designed to help you think through the anatomy of a timeslot. The result is a setup that compliments real-world operations. It’s like an assistant that’s always asking the right questions.

Playing Nice with Others

Periodic connects all of your calendars in one place. When a person or room is booked, Periodic makes the changes everywhere. And it’s all done automatically.

When you’re using a proprietary program like MindBody, your data is handicapped by design.  Unlike proprietary calendar formats, Periodic uses JSON to store availability information, so your data is portable, forever.

A Long Time Coming

 While other schedulers come and go, Periodic’s committed team has been at work for 7 years servicing more than 2,000 active clients to manage over 500,000 bookings and counting. These experiences led to crucial insights that inform decision-making, and product design.

Something we’re reading: Steve Wozniak’s AMA

via reddit: But you know, something more important than skills, more important than education is motivation. Wanting to do something. Having your own reason. And one of the things you should do is separate yourself off from the money.

There’s a great quote that I came across from Russell Simmons “Operate from a place of needing nothing. Needing nothing attracts everything.” And I find that so true in so many places in life…

… You don’t have to act like you have everything, know everything. Try and make common sense decisions, but look at Apple. The image of starting in a garage, as true and untrue as it isn’t, it still represents the humility. You start at home, you’re with your own friends, you guys are working for nothing, that’s really exactly the same as how Apple started, and hopefully you’re in a field that grows.