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Learn more about our platform with our Periodic demo video series. These videos will help you understand more about our system and give you ideas for your own use case.

A Periodic booking site is your customer-facing page where scheduling takes place.

The dashboard is where administrators and employees can set rules and limits on booking, connect calendars, and create new bookable items.

Providers are the locations, businesses, or entities that are offering their services and schedules.

Reservations are made on Bookables. They are the services that Providers make available for booking. Here you can set availability and other booking options associated with products, services, or events.

Staff can add Resources to Bookables. If a Resource is connected to a Bookable, the availability of the Bookable will be further constrained by the availability of the Resource.

Add forms to collect customer data and create dynamic price, duration, & resources. Great for collecting additional contact information, demographic data, or customer preferences related to the Bookable.

Add message templates for Customer and Staff to receive email & SMS Messages about Reservations. Staff can configure triggers to send messages when a New Reservation is made, when a reservation is cancelled or rescheduled, to send a reminder, etc.

A Periodic booking site is your customer-facing page where scheduling takes place.

A Reservation is made when the timeslot on a Bookable is selected and booked. Customers (and sometimes Staff) make Reservations.